Cookies policy

What our cookies do on your browser

The dorrienossiter site uses cookies to identify and track visitors, their actions of site, and their website access preferences. Site visitors wishing not to have cookies placed on their browsers, should turn off cookies while In that case, you may lose some features of the website.

Types of cookies

Session cookies

Session cookies, also known as 'temporary cookies', help websites recognise users and the information provided when they navigate through a website. Session cookies only retain information about a user's activities for as long as they are on the website. Once the web browser is closed, the cookies are deleted. These are commonly used on shopping websites or e-commerce websites.

Permanent cookies

Permanent cookies, also known as 'persistent cookies', remain in operation even after the web browser has closed. For example they can remember login details and passwords so web users don't need to re-enter them every time they use a site. The law states that permanent cookies must be deleted after 12 months.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are installed by third-parties with the aim of collecting certain information from web users to carry out research into, for example, behaviour, demographics or spending habits. They are commonly used by advertisers who want to ensure that products and services are marketed towards the right target audience.

Flash cookies

Flash cookies, also known as 'super cookies', are independent from the web browser. They are designed to be permanently stored on a user's computer. These types of cookies remain on a user's device even after all cookies have been deleted from their web browser.

Zombie cookies

Zombie cookies are a type of flash cookie that are automatically re-created after a user has deleted them. This means they are difficult to detect or manage. They are often used in online games to prevent users from cheating, but have also been used to install malicious software onto a user's device.